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Timeless Face

I am rather fascinated with timeless faces. You could take this man's face, and he could be from the early 1900's. Maybe even 1800's. If the photo was in black and white, the viewer would think the photo

ResQWater AD!

Checkout my most recent ad campaign! The company is called ResQWater, and the drink is a hangover remedy. ResQwater is being sold in the state of Arizona, and you can order it online. To learn more go

Riverside National Cemetery

I attended the burial of 8 veterans this morning at the Riverside National Cemetery. Every Wednesday members of the Patriot Guard Riders and The American Legion meet at the cemetery and honor the burial


I typically only photograph people, unique individuals I feel have a timeless story. I create a portrait that any viewer from any generation can relate to. I do on occasion photograph landscapes. I love

Flashes of Hope!

Yesterday, I had the opportunity to go to UCLA Hospital and photograph children with cancer and their Mom's for Flashes of Hope:"Flashes of Hope is a nonprofit organization that changes the way children

Carneros AVA

I was up in my hometown of Sonoma, Ca this past weekend. I photographed a few growers at their home and vineyard, in the Carneros AVA. I feel like my girlfriend right now because she has her own paid

Coast News!

Please click on the link below to checkout the WWII portraits in the Coast News!: