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Wine Advertising Photographer shoots Bedrock Wine Growers

New advertising wine work I photographed wine grower Pat Wirz yesterday for Bedrock Wine Co.  I asked Pat to pose with the aged piece of wood from the vineyard and when he did it, I told him

New Sports Apparel Fitness Photographs

New sports apparel fitness advertising photo. To see more of my work, please visit (Sports Apparel Photographer, Sports Apparel Photography, Nike photographer, wieden kennedy, advertising

Sports Apparel Photographer, Sports Apparel Photography

New athlete portrait! Sports Apparel Photographer, Sports Apparel Photography, Nike photographer, wieden kennedy, advertising agency, ad agency, Ni

WWII Veteran and WWII Veterans

Here are a collection of my WWII veterans and WWII veteran portraits from my book: THE LAST GOOD WAR: THE FACES AND VOICES OF WWII... To see more, please check out WWII