Designed by

Photography Exhibition Los Angeles

Show opening number one in Burbank, CA done! There was an all girl high school rock band playing songs from the WW2 era at the show opening. They were rad!&nbs

College photography

I have been working with the San Jose State University marketing department for a few years now photographing portraits and creating films. San Jose State is currently launching a new rebranding and

Photographer speech

Here is a photo I just received from one of my veteran openings in Sunnyvale, CA back in June of me giving a speech in an honor of our aging veterans. Just landed in Louisville, KY and then off to Memphis,

Cbs interview

I had an interview on CBS channel 3 in Memphis, Tennessee this morning on my veterans art gallery opening today and on the photo shoot tou

Ann Bowdan CBS holding my book!

Great news coverage in Louisville, KY on CBS on my permanent WW2 veterans photography gallery opening yesterday:

Abc Memphis news interview

I had a great in studio interview this morning on ABC Memphis. The live interviews are always pretty fu

Advertising photographer seniors

A behinds the scenes photo and also an out take from an advertising job I shot on Friday of grandpas and grandmas on computer

Here is my channel ABC Memphis, TN interview from this morning on Local Memphis live!